Register your account to start the Pre-registration process.
register your account with CPS academy

No e-mail account?
We recommend GMail. It’s fast & free to set up. Get your free account here.

What documentation do i need?
You will need the following documentation to complete the registration process:
- A certified scan of your South African ID / Smart ID or Passport.
- Proof of Address e.g. a utilities bill, such as water, electricity or rates (less than 3 months), copy of a signed lease agreement, or letter from parent confirming your residential address.
- Certified proof of highest qualification e.g. Matric Cerificate or Report Card of highest qualification obtained.

Account Security
Please ensure the security of your account by:
- Choosing a unique username known only to your
- Choosing a strong password to protect your account. Ideally your password should contain a combination of uppercase, lowercase & special characters.
- Writing down your username & password somewhere safe to make it easy to remember.
- Don't share your password with anyone.